• 布拉格夜总会 - AAA Exclusive Club,歌舞表演,布拉格夜总会 - 1
!!! Special offer 2+1: Every third DRINK for FREE. Every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday !!!
Don't miss: FREE ENTRY and charming sexy girls
Air-conditioned bar and rooms

论坛 (815)

AAA Exclusive Club Praha 有权删除不合格,粗俗或无意义的广告。

Seznam příspěvků

v patek:Silva,Klara,Lusy,Silva,Katka,Jitka,Vanda,Amy,Jena,Vanessa,Isbell

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB27.1.2009 22:36:34

čtvrtek je v praci:Silva,Klara,Lusy,Adela,Jitka,Miša,Kristina,Amy,Vanessa,vilma

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB27.1.2009 22:34:25


BOYSONTOUR27.1.2009 18:20:12

Hello, who will be working Tuesday and Wednesday?Thank you

John27.1.2009 17:46:15

Čau kdy bude v clubu slečna Vanessa?

Robin27.1.2009 14:02:23

zitra tady jsou:eva,lea,lusy,katka,vanda,julie,vilma,pavlina,sofie

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB26.1.2009 22:42:58

dnes tady jsou:silva,lusy,zuzka,adela,vanda,pavlina,vilma,sofie

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB26.1.2009 22:41:24

Bejamin: its not included and there is no generall price for that as its always up to discussion with a girl, we also have to say that this service you cant get automaticly from any girl.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB26.1.2009 18:50:41

Ahoj které dívky budou v clubu dnes a v úterý?

Mirek26.1.2009 09:39:53

Hi! I would like to know if anal (for instance) is counted in the "normal price". If it's not including, how much would it cost? Thank you for your answer.

Benjamin26.1.2009 02:17:40


Come and meet with companions in our exclusive nightclub in center of Prague and choose a sexy girl of your dreams and fulfill your wishes and enjoy new experiences.

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