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AAA Exclusive Club Praha 有权删除不合格,粗俗或无意义的广告。
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Dear AAA Team, Happy New Year. New photos of the girls are fantastic. Can you confirm that I will get a free bottle of Bohemia sect each time I go to the room for one hour?
ovewear i'm sure that when i will be among 20 days i meet others beautifuls girls tank you!
:D something like that :)
ok, tanx for answer byt why? maybe she is a perfidius witch?
phedro: we are sorry, but we are even happy she is not already here:( .... but we always have great! choice
hello! aaa club a yer and half ago i was in your club and i was in the room whit one blond girl her name is denisa she is a slovak girl i it seems there is yet in your club? because to end of january i will be on prague again and i want to visit your club again! tanx....
Leila by mela prijet 13.1. a potom pravdebodobne i ostatni nejblizsi dny
Liliana should be at Saturday
Kdy bude v clubu slečna Leila?
Hi,could you let me know when Liliana (that blonde girl)is in till the end of this week.Thanks