• 布拉格夜总会 - AAA Exclusive Club,歌舞表演,布拉格夜总会 - 1
!!! Special offer 2+1: Every third DRINK for FREE. Every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday !!!
Don't miss: FREE ENTRY and charming sexy girls
Air-conditioned bar and rooms

论坛 (820)

AAA Exclusive Club Praha 有权删除不合格,粗俗或无意义的广告。

Seznam příspěvků

dobry večer Martine slečna Jitka tady bude 14,15,16

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB12.1.2009 19:26:10

hello Johny:adela,emy,kristyna,nikita,marta,sarlota,leila,simona,lusy,zuzka,vanesa,

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB12.1.2009 19:24:30

dobry vecer, ktere dny bude tento tyden slecna Jitka v praci.

martin11.1.2009 22:10:46

Hello!Which girls work 13 and 14 Jan?

Johny11.1.2009 19:43:14

Pepa: Vanda, Nicola, Amy, Kristýna, Nikita, Pavlína a Charlotta.

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB11.1.2009 17:53:26

Které dívky jsou v clubu dnes večer(11.1)?

Pepa11.1.2009 14:07:26

Hello - which girls work tonight 10 Jan?

Donnybhoy10.1.2009 21:10:22

in the case you dont use other services like free pick up service for example...yes, we can confirm it

AAA EXCLUSIVE CLUB9.1.2009 04:08:45

Dear AAA Team, Happy New Year. New photos of the girls are fantastic. Can you confirm that I will get a free bottle of Bohemia sect each time I go to the room for one hour?

Stringer9.1.2009 00:35:20

ovewear i'm sure that when i will be among 20 days i meet others beautifuls girls tank you!

phedro9.1.2009 00:09:13


Come and meet with companions in our exclusive nightclub in center of Prague and choose a sexy girl of your dreams and fulfill your wishes and enjoy new experiences.

View all girls (56)